List of members of the United States House of Representatives in the 63rd Congress by seniority

This is a complete list of members of the United States House of Representatives during the 63rd United States Congress listed by seniority. For the most part, representatives are ranked by the beginning of their terms in office.[1]

As an historical article, the districts and party affiliations listed reflect those during the 63rd Congress (March 4, 1913–March 3, 1915). Seats and party affiliations on similar lists for other Congresses will be different for certain members.

This article describes the criteria for seniority in the House of Representatives and sets out the list of members by seniority. It is prepared on the basis of the interpretation of seniority applied to the House of Representatives in the current congress. In the absence of information to the contrary, it is presumed that the twenty-first-century practice is identical to the seniority customs used during the 63rd Congress.[2]


  • 1 Seniority

    • 1.1 House seniority

    • 1.2 Committee seniority

  • 2 Committees

  • 3 List of Representatives by seniority

  • 4 See also

  • 5 References

  • 6 External links


House seniority

Seniority in the House, for Congressmen with unbroken service, depends on the date on which the members first term began. That date is either the start of the Congress (4 March in odd numbered years, for the era up to and including the 73rd Congress starting in 1933) or the date of a special election during the Congress. Since many members start serving on the same day as others, ranking between them is based on alphabetical order by the last name of the congressman.

Representatives who return to the House, after having previously served, are credited with service equal to one less than the total number of terms they served. When a representative has served a prior term of less than two terms (i.e., prior term minus one equals less than one), he is ranked above all others whose service begins on the same day.

Committee seniority

Until 1910, House committee members and chairmen were selected by the Speaker, who also ranked the members of the committee. Seniority on the committee was just one of the factors that was taken into account in ranking the members. In the 61st Congress, Speaker Cannon (R-IL) had used his power to change committee assignments to demote and punish insurgent Republicans. In March 1910 the Speaker was stripped of his powers over the composition of standing committees.

As a result of the events of 1910, at the start of the 63rd Congress in 1913, the committee assignments were made by each party and then formally approved by the whole House. Each party controlled the committee ranking of its members, but usually this followed the order of seniority of members in terms of service on the committee. It became customary for members of a committee, in the previous congress, to be re-appointed at the start of the next.

A seniority rule was normally used to decide committee chairmen, similar to that which the Senate had usually followed since 1846. The chairman was likely to be the majority member of a committee, with the longest continuous service on it. However, party leadership was typically not associated with seniority.[3]

Out of the group of fifty three standing committee chairmen, at the start of this Congress, Nelson Polsby identified thirty three as the most senior member of the majority on the committee. In the other twenty cases, thirteen senior majority members were compensated for not being chairman of the committee (seven chaired another committee and six received better committee assignments than in the previous Congress). Thus only in seven instances was the seniority custom violated, without obvious compensation for the Congressman passed over.[4]


This list refers to the standing committees of the House in the 63rd Congress, the year of establishment as a standing committee (adoption of the name used in 1913), the number of members assigned to the committee and the corresponding committee in the current congress. Because of consolidation of committees and changes of jurisdiction, it is not always possible to identify a clear successor panel.[5]

No. 1913 Committee Established Members 2011 Committee
1 Accounts 1805 11
House Administration
2 Agriculture 1820 21 Agriculture
3 Alcoholic Liquor Traffic 1893 11 Judiciary
4 Appropriations 1865 21 Appropriations
5 Banking and Currency 1865 21
Financial Services
6 Census 1901 16 Oversight and Government Reform
7 Claims 1794 16 Judiciary
8 Coinage, Weights and Measures 1864 (1867) 18 Financial Services
9 Disposition of Executive Papers 1911 2 House Administration
10 District of Columbia 1808 21
Oversight and Government Reform
11 Education 1867 (1883) 15
Education and the Workforce
12 Election of President, Vice President and Representatives 1893 13 House Administration
13 Elections No. 1 1789 (1895) 9 House Administration
14 Elections No. 2 1895 9 House Administration
15 Elections No. 3 1895 9 House Administration
16 Enrolled Bills 1876 7 House Administration
17 Expenditures in the Agriculture Department 1889 7 Oversight and Government Reform
18 Expenditures in the Interior Department 1860 7 Oversight and Government Reform
19 Expenditures in the Justice Department 1874 7 Oversight and Government Reform
20 Expenditures in the Navy Department 1816 7 Oversight and Government Reform
21 Expenditures in the Post Office Department 1816 7 Oversight and Government Reform
22 Expenditures in the State Department 1816 7 Oversight and Government Reform
23 Expenditures in the Treasury Department 1816 7 Oversight and Government Reform
24 Expenditures in the War Department 1816 7 Oversight and Government Reform
25 Expenditures on Public Buildings 1816 7 Oversight and Government Reform
26 Foreign Affairs 1822 21 Foreign Affairs
27 Immigration and Naturalization 1893 15 Judiciary
28 Indian Affairs 1821 21 Natural Resources
29 Industrial Arts and Expositions 1903 16 Foreign Affairs
30 Insular Affairs 1899 21 Natural Resources
31 Interstate and Foreign Commerce 1795 (1892) 21
Energy and Commerce
32 Invalid Pensions 1831 16
Veterans' Affairs
33 Irrigation of Arid Lands 1893 15 Natural Resources
34 Judiciary 1813 21 Judiciary
35 Labor 1883 13 Education and the Workforce
36 Merchant Marine and Fisheries 1887 21 ...
37 Mileage 1837 5 House Administration
38 Military Affairs 1822 21
Armed Services
39 Mines and Mining 1865 14 Natural Resources
40 Naval Affairs 1822 21 Armed Services
41 Patents 1837 14 Judiciary
42 Pensions 1880 15 Veterans' Affairs
43 Post Office and Post Roads 1808 21 Oversight and Government Reform
44 Public Buildings and Grounds 1837 19
Transportation and Infrastructure
45 Public Lands 1805 21
Natural Resources
46 Railways and Canals 1831 (1869) 14 Transportation and Infrastructure
47 Reform in the Civil Service 1893 13 Oversight and Government Reform
48 Revision of Laws 1868 13 Judiciary
49 Rivers and Harbors 1883 21 Transportation and Infrastructure
50 Rules 1880 11 Rules
51 Territories 1825 16 Natural Resources
52 War Claims 1825 (1873) 15 Judiciary
53 Ways and Means 1802 21 Ways and Means

Joint Committees (House standing committee members only)
Jt 1
Library Joint
1806 5 House Administration
Jt 2
Printing Joint
1846 3 House Administration

New standing committees, established during the 63rd Congress
54 Expenditures in the Commerce Department 1903 (1913) 7 Oversight and Government Reform
55 Expenditures in the Labor Department 1913 7 Oversight and Government Reform
56 Roads 1913 21 Transportation and Infrastructure

List of Representatives by seniority

A numerical rank is assigned to each of the 435 members initially elected to the 63rd Congress. Other members, who joined the House during the Congress, are not assigned a number.

Three Representatives-elect were not sworn in; of whom one died before the Congress started, one resigned to become a U.S. Senator and one was too ill to take his seat (before dying during the Congress). The list below includes the Representatives-elect (with names in italics), with the seniority they would have held if they had been able to be sworn in.

Major party designations used in this article are D for Democratic members and R for Republican representatives. Other designations include Ind for Independent and Prog for Progressive.

U.S. House Seniority
Rank Representative Party District Seniority date Notes

Fifteen non-consecutive terms
1 Sereno E. Payne R NY-36 December 2, 1889 Previously served 1883-87 while serving in the House. Dean of the House.
Died on December 10, 1914 while still serving in the House.

Twelve consecutive terms
2 William A. Jones D VA-1 March 4, 1891 Chairman: Insular Affairs. Dean of the House (1914).

Eleven consecutive terms
3 Richard Bartholdt R MO-10 March 4, 1893 Last term while serving in the House.
4 Henry A. Cooper R WI-1
5 Frederick H. Gillett R

Ten consecutive terms
6 Charles L. Bartlett D GA-6 March 4, 1895 Last term while serving in the House.
7 Stephen M. Sparkman D FL-1 Chairman: Rivers and Harbors

Ten non-consecutive terms
8 James B. (Champ) Clark D MO-9 March 4, 1897
Speaker of the House. Previously served 1893-95 while in the House.
9 Oscar W. Underwood D AL-9 Chairman: Ways and Means. Majority Leader.
Previously served 1895-June 9, 1896. Last term while serving in the House.

Nine consecutive terms
10 William C. Adamson D GA-4 March 4, 1897 Chairman: Interstate and Foreign Commerce
11 Thomas S. Butler R PA-7 Ind R, 1897–99
12 Robert F. Broussard D LA-3 Chairman: Expenditures in the Justice Department
Last term while serving in the House.
13 Henry D. Clayton D AL-3 Chairman: Judiciary
Resigned to become a Judge: May 25, 1914
14 Edward L. Hamilton R MI-4
15 James Hay D VA-7 Chairman: Military Affairs
16 Robert L. Henry D TX-11 Chairman: Rules
17 James R. Mann R IL-2
Minority Leader
18 John A. Moon D TN-3 Chairman: Post Office and Post Roads
19 Thetus W. Sims D TN-8
20 James L. Slayden D
21 Samuel W. Smith R MI-6 Last term while serving in the House.
22 John H. Stephens D TX-13 Chairman: Indian Affairs
23 Frederick C. Stevens R MN-4 Last term while serving in the House.
24 George W. Taylor D AL-1 Last term while serving in the House.
25 James T. Lloyd D MO-1 June 1, 1897 Chairman: Accounts
26 William S. Greene R MA-15 May 31, 1898
Republican Conference Chairman

Nine non-consecutive terms
27 Frank W. Mondell R WY-al March 4, 1899 Previously served 1895-97 while in the House.

Eight consecutive terms
28 Albert S. Burleson D TX-10 March 4, 1899 Resigned, to become Postmaster General: March 6, 1913
29 John L. Burnett D AL-7 Chairman: Immigration and Naturalization
30 John J. Esch R WI-7
31 David E. Finley D
32 John J. Fitzgerald D NY-7 Chairman: Appropriations
33 Joseph W. Fordney R MI-8
34 Gilbert N. Haugen R
35 Ernest W. Roberts R
36 William W. Rucker D MO-2 Chairman: Election of President, Vice President and Representatives
37 John H. Small D NC-1
38 Dorsey W. Shackleford D MO-8 August 29, 1899 Chairman: Roads
39 William N. Richardson D AL-8 August 6, 1900 Chairman: Pensions. Died on March 31, 1914 while still serving in the House.

Seven consecutive terms
40 George F. Burgess D TX-9 March 4, 1901
41 Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr. D
42 Henry D. Flood D VA-10 Chairman: Foreign Affairs
43 Henry M. Goldfogle D NY-12 Chairman: Elections No. 3. Last term until 66th Congress.
44 James A. Hughes R WV-5 Last term while serving in the House until 70th Congress
45 Joseph T. Johnson D SC-4
46 Claude Kitchin D
47 Lemuel P. Padgett D TN-7 Chairman: Naval Affairs
48 Edward W. Pou D NC-4 Chairman: Claims
49 Asbury F. Lever D SC-7 November 5, 1901 Chairman: Agriculture
50 Augustus P. Gardner R MA-6 November 4, 1902
51 Carter Glass D VA-6 Chairman: Banking and Currency

Seven non-consecutive terms
52 Charles H. Burke R SD-2 March 4, 1909 Previously served 1899-1907. Minority Whip. Last term while serving in the House.
53 Julius Kahn R CA-4 March 4, 1905 Previously served 1899-1903
54 J. Frederick Talbott D MD-2 March 4, 1909 Previously served 1879-85 and 1893–95 while in the House
55 Eben W. Martin R SD-3 November 3, 1908 Previously served 1901-07. Last term while serving in the House.

Six consecutive terms
56 Wyatt Aiken D SC-3 March 4, 1903
57 James A. Beall D TX-5 Last term while serving in the House.
58 Philip P. Campbell R KS-3
59 Charles R. Davis R
60 John N. Garner D
61 Alexander W. Gregg D TX-7 Chairman: War Claims
62 Thomas W. Hardwick D GA-10 Chairman: Coinage, Weights and Measures
Resigned to become a U.S. Senator: November 2, 1914
63 Joseph Howell R UT-1
64 William E. Humphrey R
65 Benjamin G. Humphreys D
66 Moses P. Kinkaid R
67 George S. Legaré D SC-1 Died, as Representative-elect: January 31, 1913
68 Robert N. Page D NC-7
69 Henry T. Rainey D
70 J. Swagar Sherley D
71 William R. Smith D TX-16 Chairman: Irrigation of Arid Lands
72 Augustus O. Stanley D KY-2 Last term while serving in the House.
73 Halvor Steenerson R MN-9
74 Andrew J. Volstead R
75 Edwin Y. Webb D NC-9 Chairman: Judiciary (1914)
76 H. Olin Young R MI-12 Resigned, during an election challenge, May 16, 1913
77 Victor Murdock R KS-8 May 26, 1903 Last term while serving in the House.
78 J. Thomas Heflin D AL-5 May 19, 1904
79 Joseph R. Knowland R CA-11 November 8, 1904 Last term while serving in the House.

Six non-consecutive terms
80 Daniel J. Riordan D NY-11 November 6, 1906 Previously served 1899-1901 while in the House.

Five consecutive terms
81 Andrew J. Barchfeld R PA-32 March 4, 1905
82 Thomas M. Bell D GA-9
Majority Whip
83 James F. Burke R PA-31 Last term while serving in the House.
84 William M. Calder R NY-6 Last term while serving in the House.
85 Frank Clark D FL-2 Chairman: Public Buildings and Grounds
86 Lincoln Dixon D IN-4
87 John C. Floyd D
88 Finis J. Garrett D
89 Everis A. Hayes R
90 William C. Houston D TN-5 Chairman: Territories
91 Gordon Lee D GA-7
92 Martin B. Madden R
93 John T. Watkins D LA-4 Chairman: Revision of Laws
94 John W. Weeks R MA-13 Representative-elect resigned, to become a U.S. Senator:
March 4, 1913
95 John M. Nelson R WI-3 September 4, 1906
96 J. Hampton Moore R PA-3
November 6, 1906
97 Edward W. Saunders D

Five non-consecutive terms
98 Burton L. French R ID-al March 4, 1911 Previously served 1903-09 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House until 65th Congress.
99 Joseph A. Goulden D NY-23 March 4, 1913 Previously served 1903-11 while in the House.
100 Courtney W. Hamlin D MO-7 March 4, 1907 Previously served 1903-05 while in the House.
Chairman: Expenditures in the State Department.
101 Francis B. Harrison D NY-20 Previously served 1903-05 while in the House. Resigned on September 1, 1913 while still serving in the House.
102 Isaac R. Sherwood D OH-9 Previously served (R) 1873-75 while in the House. Chairman: Invalid Pensions.
103 William H. Stafford R WI-5 March 4, 1913 Previously served 1903-11 while in the House.
104 Frank E. Wilson D NY-3 March 4, 1911 Previously served 1899-1905 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House.
105 Charles F. Booher D MO-4 March 4, 1907 Previously served February 18-March 3, 1889

Four consecutive terms
106 John A. M. Adair D IN-8 March 4, 1907 Chairman: Expenditures in the War Department
107 Joshua W. Alexander D MO-3 Chairman: Merchant Marine and Fisheries
108 Timothy T. Ansberry D OH-5 Resigned, to become a Judge: January 9, 1915
109 William A. Ashbrook D OH-17
110 William J. Cary R
111 William E. Cox D
112 Charles G. Edwards D
113 George W. Fairchild R
114 Martin D. Foster D IL-23 Chairman: Mines and Mining
115 Hannibal L. Godwin D NC-6 Chairman: Reform in the Civil Service
116 James A. Hamill D NJ-12 Chairman: Elections No. 2
117 Winfield S. Hammond D MN-2 Resigned, to become Governor: January 6, 1915
118 Rufus Hardy D TX-6 Chairman: Expenditures in the Navy Department
119 Willis C. Hawley R OR-1
120 Harvey Helm D KY-8 Chairman: Census
121 Richmond P. Hobson D AL-6 Last term while serving in the House.
122 Cordell Hull D TN-4
123 Ben Johnson D KY-4 Chairman: District of Columbia
124 Charles A. Kennedy R IA-1
125 John W. Langley R
126 Charles A. Lindbergh R
127 James T. McDermott D IL-4 Resigned on July 21, 1914 while still serving in the House. Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress.
128 James C. McLaughlin R MI-9
129 Andrew J. Peters D MA-11 Resigned on August 15, 1914 while serving in the House.
130 George W. Rauch D IN-11
131 John H. Rothermel D PA-13 Chairman: Expenditures in the Commerce Department.
Last term while serving in the House.
132 Adolph J. Sabath D IL-5 Chairman: Alcoholic Liquor Traffic
133 Daniel R. Anthony, Jr. R KS-1 May 23, 1907
134 Charles C. Carlin D VA-8
November 5, 1907
135 Charles D. Carter D OK-4
November 16, 1907
136 Scott Ferris D OK-5 Chairman: Public Lands
137 Bird S. McGuire R OK-1 Previously served as Delegate 1903-07. Last term while serving in the House.
138 C. Bascom Slemp R VA-9 December 17, 1907
139 Henry A. Barnhart D IN-13
November 3, 1908
140 Albert Estopinal D
141 Frank E. Guernsey R

Four non-consecutive terms
142 James M. Gudger, Jr. D NC-10 March 4, 1911 Previously 1903-07. Chairman: Expenditures in the
Post Office Department (1914). Last term while serving in the House.

Three consecutive terms
143 Richard W. Austin R TN-2 March 4, 1909
144 William P. Borland D
145 Joseph W. Byrns D
146 J. Campbell Cantrill D
147 Cyrus Cline D
148 James W. Collier D
149 Michael F. Conry D
150 James H. Covington D MD-1 Resigned to become a Judge: September 30, 1914
151 William A. Cullop D IN-2
152 S. Hubert Dent, Jr. D
153 Martin Dies D TX-2 Chairman: Railways and Canals
154 Daniel A. Driscoll D NY-42
155 Thomas Gallagher D
156 James W. Good R
157 James M. Graham D IL-21 Chairman: Expenditures in the Interior Department
Last term
158 William W. Griest R PA-9
159 Dudley M. Hughes D GA-12 Chairman: Education
160 Eugene F. Kinkead D NJ-8 Resigned on February 4, 1915 while still serving in the House.
161 Charles A. Korbly D IN-7 Last term while serving in the House.
162 Jonathan N. Langham R PA-27 Last term while serving in the House.
163 Irvine L. Lenroot R WI-11
164 John A. Maguire D NE-1 Last term while serving in the House.
165 Clarence B. Miller R MN-8
166 Dick T. Morgan R
167 Martin A. Morrison D
168 Ralph W. Moss D
169 William A. Oldfield D AR-2 Chairman: Patents
170 A. Mitchell Palmer D PA-26
Democratic Caucus Chairman. Last term while serving in the House.
171 Frank Plumley R VT-2 Last term while serving in the House.
172 William G. Sharp D OH-14 Resigned on July 23, 1914 while still serving in the House.
173 Thomas U. Sisson D MS-4
174 Edward T. Taylor D
175 Robert Y. Thomas, Jr. D
176 Frank P. Woods R
177 Clement C. Dickinson D MO-6
February 1, 1910
178 Seaborn Roddenbery D GA-2 February 6, 1910 Died September 25, 1913
179 H. Garland Dupré D LA-2 November 8, 1910

Three non-consecutive terms
180 Jefferson M. Levy D NY-14 March 4, 1911 Previously served 1899-1901. Last term while serving in the House.
181 Joseph J. Russell D MO-14 Previously served 1907-09 while in the House.
182 James S. Davenport D OK-3 Previously served November 16, 1907–09 while in the House.
183 Timothy D. Sullivan D NY-13 March 4, 1913 Previously served 1903-July 27, 1906 while serving in the House.
Representative-elect, died: August 31, 1913.

Two consecutive terms
184 Alfred G. Allen D OH-2 March 4, 1911
185 Sydney Anderson R
186 Elsworth R. Bathrick D OH-19 Last term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
187 Fred L. Blackmon D AL-4
188 William G. Brown, Jr. D
189 Frank Buchanan D
190 Robert J. Bulkley D OH-21 Last term while serving in the House.
191 Michael E. Burke D WI-2
192 James F. Byrnes D
193 Oscar Callaway D
194 Horatio C. Claypool D OH-11 Last term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
195 Ira C. Copley R IL-11
196 James M. Curley D MA-12 Resigned on February 4, 1914 while still serving in the House. Last term until 78th Congress.
197 Henry G. Danforth R NY-39
198 John W. Davis D WV-1 Resigned on August 29, 1913 while still serving in the House.
199 Robert E. Difenderfer D PA-8 Last term while serving in the House.
200 Michael Donohoe D PA-5 Last term while serving in the House.
201 Frank E. Doremus D MI-1
202 Robert L. Doughton D NC-8 Chairman: Expenditures in the Agriculture Department
203 Leonidas C. Dyer R MO-12 Unseated June 19, 1914. Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress.
204 John M. Faison D NC-3 Last term while serving in the House.
205 John R. Farr R PA-10
206 William J. Fields D
207 H. Robert Fowler D IL-24 Last term while serving in the House.
208 William B. Francis D OH-16 Last term while serving in the House.
209 Henry George, Jr. D NY-21 Last term while serving in the House.
210 J. Henry Goeke D OH-4 Last term while serving in the House.
211 William S. Goodwin D AR-7
212 Finly H. Gray D
213 Pat Harrison D
214 Henry T. Helgesen R
215 Walter L. Hensley D
216 Asher C. Hinds R
217 Edward E. Holland D
218 William S. Howard D
219 Henderson M. Jacoway D
William Kent[6]
221 George Konig D MD-3 Died on May 31, 1913 while still serving in the House.
222 Thomas F. Konop D WI-9 Chairman: Expenditure on Public Buildings
223 Walter Lafferty R OR-3 Last term while serving in the House.
224 William L. La Follette R WA-3
225 Robert E. Lee D PA-12 Last term while serving in the House.
226 David J. Lewis D MD-6 Chairman: Labor
227 J. Charles Linthicum D MD-4
228 Charles O. Lobeck D NE-2 Chairman: Expenditures in the Treasury Department
229 James P. Maher D NY-5 Chairman: Expenditures in the Labor Department
230 Walter I. McCoy D NJ-9 Resigned on October 3, 1914 while still serving in the House.
231 Daniel J. McGillicuddy D ME-2
232 John C. McKenzie R
233 Luther W. Mott R
234 William F. Murray D MA-10 Resigned on September 28, 1914 while still serving in the House.
235 George F. O'Shaunessy D RI-1
236 Thomas G. Patten D
237 Charles E. Patton R PA-21 Last term while serving in the House.
238 Irvin S. Pepper D IA-2 Chairman: Expenditures in the Post Office Department
Died on December 22, 1913 while still serving in the House.
239 Stephen G. Porter R PA-29
240 James D. Post D OH-7 Chairman: Elections No. 1. Last term while serving in the House.
241 Caleb Powers R KY-11
242 Solomon F. Prouty R IA-7 Last term while serving in the House.
243 John E. Raker D CA-2
244 Thomas L. Reilly D CT-3 Last term while serving in the House.
245 Edwin E. Roberts R NV-al
246 Arthur B. Rouse D
247 Thomas L. Rubey D
248 Thomas J. Scully D
249 Sam R. Sells R
250 Charles H. Sloan R
251 Charles B. Smith D
252 John M. C. Smith R
253 Charles M. Stedman D
254 Hubert D. Stephens D
William I. Stephens[7]
256 Claude U. Stone D
257 Robert M. Switzer R
258 Charles A. Talcott D NY-33 Last term while serving in the House.
259 Horace M. Towner R IA-8
260 Edward W. Townsend D NJ-10 Last term while serving in the House.
261 Samuel J. Tribble D GA-8
262 William E. Tuttle, Jr. D NJ-5 Last term while serving in the House.
263 Edwin S. Underhill D NY-37 Chairman: Industrial Arts and Expositions. Last term.
264 John J. Whitacre D OH-18 Last term while serving in the House.
265 George White D OH-15 Last term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
266 William H. Wilder R MA-3 Died on September 11, 1913 while still serving in the House.
267 Frank B. Willis R OH-8 Resigned, to become Governor: January 9, 1915
268 Samuel A. Witherspoon D MS-5
269 James Young D
270 William R. Green R IA-9
June 5, 1911
271 William D. B. Ainey R PA-14 November 7, 1911 Last term
272 William J. Browning R NJ-1
273 Kenneth McKellar D
274 Dan V. Stephens D
275 Joseph Taggart D
276 Harvey B. Fergusson D NM-al January 8, 1912 Previously served as Delegate 1897-99. Last term.
277 George A. Neeley D KS-7 January 9, 1912 Last term while serving in the House.
278 Carl T. Hayden D AZ-al February 19, 1912
279 William S. Vare R PA-1
May 24, 1912
280 Frank L. Greene R VT-1
July 30, 1912
281 Edwin A. Merritt R NY-31 November 5, 1912 Died December 4, 1914 while still serving in the House.
282 Lewis L. Morgan D LA-6
283 George C. Scott R IA-11 Last term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
284 Samuel M. Taylor D AR-6 January 15, 1913

Two non-consecutive terms
285 James McAndrews D IL-6 March 4, 1913 Previously served 1901-03 while in the House.
286 William E. Williams D IL-al Previously served 1899-1901 while in the House.
287 Charles R. Crisp D GA-3 Previously served 1896-97 while in the House.

One term
288 John W. Abercrombie D AL-al March 4, 1913
289 James B. Aswell D
290 Samuel B. Avis R WV-3 Only term while serving in the House.
291 Warren W. Bailey D PA-19 Chairman: Mileage
292 J. Thompson Baker D NJ-2 Only term while serving in the House.
293 William N. Baltz D IL-22 Only term while serving in the House.
294 Alben W. Barkley D KY-1
295 Silas R. Barton R NE-5 Only term while serving in the House.
296 Samuel W. Beakes D MI-2
Charles W. Bell[8]
Prog CA-9 Only term while serving in the House.
298 Charles M. Borchers D IL-19 Only term while serving in the House.
299 Stanley E. Bowdle D OH-1 Only term while serving in the House.
300 Robert G. Bremner D NJ-7 Died on February 5, 1914 while still serving in the House.
301 Frederick A. Britten R IL-9
302 Franklin Brockson D DE-al Only term while serving in the House.
303 Andrew R. Brodbeck D PA-20 Only term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
304 Lathrop Brown D NY-1 Only term while serving in the House.
305 Edward E. Browne R WI-8
306 Henry Bruckner D NY-22
307 Clement L. Brumbaugh D
308 James W. Bryan Prog WA-al Only term while serving in the House.
309 Thaddeus H. Caraway D AR-1
310 John F. Carew D
311 Wooda N. Carr R
312 John J. Casey D
313 Walter M. Chandler Prog
314 Denver S. Church D
315 John R. Clancy D NY-35 Only term while serving in the House.
316 John R. Connelly D KS-6
317 Maurice Connolly D IA-3 Only term while serving in the House.
318 Louis C. Cramton R MI-7
319 Robert Crosser D
320 Charles F. Curry R
321 Harry H. Dale D
322 Perl D. Decker D
323 Frederick S. Deitrick D MA-8 Only term while serving in the House.
324 Franklin L. Dershem D PA-17 Only term while serving in the House.
325 Charles H. Dillon R SD-1
326 Jeremiah Donovan D CT-4 Only term while serving in the House.
327 Peter J. Dooling D NY-16
328 Dudley Doolittle D KS-4
329 Thomas B. Dunn R
330 John J. Eagan D
331 Joe H. Eagle D
332 George W. Edmonds R
333 J. Walter Elder D LA-5 Only term while serving in the House.
334 John M. Evans D MT-al
335 Jacob Falconer Prog WA-al Only term while serving in the House.
336 Simeon D. Fess R OH-6
337 Louis Fitzhenry D IL-17 Only term while serving in the House.
338 James A. Frear R WI-10
339 Warren Gard D
340 Daniel E. Garrett D TX-al Only term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
341 Peter G. Gerry D RI-2 Only term while serving in the House.
342 Edward Gilmore D MA-14 Only term while serving in the House.
343 Robert H. Gittins D NY-40 Only term while serving in the House.
344 Forrest Goodwin R ME-3 Died on May 28, 1913 while still serving in the House.
345 William Gordon D OH-20
346 George E. Gorman D IL-3 Only term while serving in the House.
347 George S. Graham R PA-2
348 Daniel J. Griffin D
349 Charles M. Hamilton R
350 Guy T. Helvering D
351 Robert P. Hill D IL-25 Only term while serving in the House until 75th Congress
352 William H. Hinebaugh Prog IL-12 Only term while serving in the House.
353 Stephen A. Hoxworth D IL-15 Only term while serving in the House.
354 Willis J. Hulings Prog PA-28 Only term while serving in the House until 66th Congress
355 William L. Igoe D MO-11
356 Albert Johnson R
357 Jacob Johnson R UT-2 Only term while serving in the House.
358 Edward Keating D CO-al
359 Abraham L. Keister R
360 Patrick H. Kelley R
361 M. Clyde Kelly R PA-30 Only term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
362 Ambrose Kennedy R RI-3
363 William Kennedy D CT-5 Only term while serving in the House.
364 William Kettner D CA-6
365 John A. Key D OH-13 Chairman: Pensions (1914)
366 Edgar R. Kiess R PA-15
367 George J. Kindel D CO-1 Only term while serving in the House.
368 Sanford Kirkpatrick D IA-6 Only term while serving in the House.
369 Aaron S. Kreider R PA-18
370 Ladislas Lazaro D
371 Claude L'Engle D FL-al Only term while serving in the House.
372 John V. Lesher D PA-16
373 Fred E. Lewis R PA-al Only term while serving in the House.
374 Charles Lieb D IN-1
375 Francis O. Lindquist R MI-11 Only term while serving in the House.
376 J. Washington Logue D PA-6 Only term while serving in the House.
377 Augustine Lonergan D CT-1 Only term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
378 Bryan F. Mahan D CT-2 Only term while serving in the House.
379 James Manahan R MN-al Only term while serving in the House.
380 Carl E. Mapes R MI-5
381 Lewis J. Martin D NJ-6 Died on May 5, 1913 while still serving in the House.
382 George McClellan D NY-27 Only term while serving in the House.
383 Herman A. Metz D NY-10 Only term while serving in the House.
384 Andrew J. Montague D
385 John M. Morin R PA-al
386 Hunter H. Moss, Jr. R
387 William H. Murray D
388 John I. Nolan R
389 Patrick D. Norton R
390 James H. O'Brien D NY-9 Only term while serving in the House.
391 Woodson R. Oglesby D NY-24
392 Frank T. O'Hair D IL-18 Only term while serving in the House.
393 Denis O'Leary D NY-2 Resigned on December 31, 1914 while still serving in the House.
394 James S. Parker R NY-29
395 John B. Peterson D IN-10 Only term while serving in the House.
396 Michael F. Phelan D MA-7
397 Edmund Platt R
398 Percy E. Quin D
399 J. Willard Ragsdale D
400 Sam Rayburn D
401 Eugene E. Reed D NH-1 Only term while serving in the House.
402 Michael K. Reilly D WI-6
403 John J. Rogers R MA-5
404 Arthur R. Rupley R PA-al Only term while serving in the House.
405 Harry H. Seldomridge D CO-2 Only term while serving in the House.
406 Milton W. Shreve R PA-25 Only term while serving in the House until 66th Congress
407 Nicholas J. Sinnott R OR-2
408 Addison T. Smith R
409 Frank O. Smith D MD-5 Only term while serving in the House.
410 George R. Smith R MN-5
411 Raymond B. Stevens D NH-2 Only term while serving in the House.
412 Tom Stout D MT-al
413 Lawrence B. Stringer D IL-al Only term while serving in the House.
414 Hatton W. Sumners D TX-al
415 Howard Sutherland R
416 Clyde H Tavenner D
417 Benjamin I. Taylor D NY-25 Only term while serving in the House.
418 Henry W. Temple Prog PA-24 Only term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
419 Peter G. Ten Eyck D NY-28 Only term while serving in the House until 67th Congress
420 Thomas C. Thacher D MA-16 Only term while serving in the House.
421 Joseph B. Thompson D OK-al
422 Charles M. Thomson Prog IL-10 Only term while serving in the House.
423 Allen T. Treadway R MA-1
424 Horace W. Vaughan D TX-1 Only term while serving in the House.
425 John R. Walker D GA-11
426 Samuel Wallin R NY-30 Only term while serving in the House.
427 Allan B. Walsh D NJ-4 Only term while serving in the House.
428 Anderson H. Walters R PA-al Only term while serving in the House until 66th Congress
429 Walter A. Watson D VA-4
430 Claude Weaver D OK-al Only term while serving in the House.
431 Emmett Wilson D FL-3
432 Otis T. Wingo D
433 Samuel E. Winslow R
434 Roy O. Woodruff Prog MI-10 Only term while serving in the House until 67th Congress
435 George M. Young R ND-2

Members joining the House, after the start of the Congress
John J. Mitchell D MA-13 April 15, 1913 Special election. Previously served 1910-11. Last term while serving in the House.
James P. Buchanan D TX-10 Special election
Richard S. Whaley D SC-1 April 29, 1913 Special election
Archibald C. Hart D NJ-6 July 22, 1913 Special election. Previously served 1912-13.
William J. MacDonald Prog MI-12 August 26, 1913 Seated, after election challenge. Only term while serving in the House.
John A. Peters R ME-3 September 9, 1913 Special election
Matthew M. Neely D WV-1 October 14, 1913 Special election
Jacob A. Cantor D NY-20 November 4, 1913 Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
Charles P. Coady D MD-3 Special election
George W. Loft D NY-13 Special election
Calvin D. Paige R MA-3 Special election
Frank Park D GA-2 Special election
Henry Vollmer D IA-2 February 10, 1914 Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
Dow H. Drukker R NJ-7 April 7, 1914 Special election
James A. Gallivan D MA-12 Special election
Christopher C. Harris D AL-8 May 11, 1914 Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
Michael J. Gill D MO-12 June 19, 1914 Seated, after election challenge. Only term while serving in the House.
William O. Mulkey D AL-3 June 29, 1914 Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
Jesse D. Price D MD-1 November 3, 1914 Special election
Carl Vinson D GA-10 Special election
Richard W. Parker D NJ-9 December 1, 1914 Special election. Previously served 1895-1911.

Non voting members
Jonah K. Kalaniana'ole R HI-al March 4, 1903 Territorial Delegate
James Wickersham R AK-al March 4, 1909 Territorial Delegate
Manuel L. Quezón N PI-al November 23, 1909 Resident Commissioner. Nationalist Party (PI).
Luis Muñoz Rivera U PR-al March 4, 1911 Resident Commissioner. Unionist Party (PR).
Manuel Earnshaw Ind PI-al March 4, 1913 Resident Commissioner

See also

  • 63rd United States Congress

  • List of United States congressional districts

  • List of United States Senators in the 63rd Congress by seniority


  1. ^ Delegates are non-voting members and Representatives are voting members of the United States House of Representatives.

  2. ^ 112th Congress official House seniority list

  3. ^ Congress at the Crossroads, pp. 186-189 and see Cannon's Precedents, Volume VIII (8), Chapter CCXXXIV (234) for the rules and precedents applied by the House after 1910

  4. ^ Nelson W. Polsby, "The Growth of the Seniority System in the U.S. House of Representatives" American Political Science Review 63.3 (1970):787-807

  5. ^ Based on Rule X Organisation of Committees, in the House Rules and Manual for the 111th Congress. For membership, see section 2183 of Cannon's Precedents Volume VIII (8), Chapter CCXXXIV (234). For establishment of standing committees see [1]

  6. ^ Dubin classifies Kent as a Progressive, page 385 United States Congressional Elections, 1788-1997

  7. ^ Dubin classifies Stephens as a Republican, page 385 United States Congressional Elections, 1788-1997

  8. ^ Dubin classifies Bell as a Republican, page 385 United States Congressional Elections, 1788-1997

 This article incorporates public domain material from the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress website

  • Cannon's Precedents (U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access) [2]

  • Congress at the Crossroads, by George B. Galloway (Thomas Y. Crowell Company 1946)

  • United States Congressional Elections 1788-1997, by Michael J. Dubin (McFarland and Company 1998) .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output q{quotes:"""""""'""'"}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}
    ISBN 0-7864-0283-0

External links

  • House of Representatives list of members of the 63rd Congress

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